In Defense of Property Rights
Working together to ensure maximum productive use of Louisiana’s rich land resources.
The Louisiana Landowners Association (“LLA”) represents hundreds of large and small landowners from across Louisiana.
LLA membership includes a myriad of interests – from farmers, developers, timber producers, resource managers, and bankers to ranchers and oil and gas producers – all working together to ensure maximum productive use of the state’s rich land resources.
LLA traces its beginnings to 1975, when the South Louisiana Landowners Association, Inc. was formed to give landowners representation before state and federal government tribunals. By 1977, the new organization had grown to state-wide prominence, prompting the deletion of the word “South” from the title. In 1979, it joined forces with the Land and Royalty Owners of Louisiana (LAROLA).

The LLA Mission
LLA provides increased political leverage and access by mobilizing the resources of big and small landowners who share an interest in protecting the rights of individuals to own, manage, develop, use and dispose of land without undue interference from government. LLA enhances the effectiveness of personal lobbying by channeling individual resources and concerns through a single, influential voice.
Many challenges await landowners such as public access, liability, wetland management, taxes, mineral leasing, timber valuation, scenic rivers, Atchafalaya Basin, expropriation, levee servitudes, and solid and hazardous wastes. We must be ready to meet these challenges.