Join the Louisiana Landowners Association

LLA develops policy/positions through a number of committees that provide recommendations to the Board of Directors. Key committees include: Atchafalaya Basin, Coastal Restoration, Endangered Species, Governmental Affairs, Mitigation, Title and Boundary and Wetlands. As a member of LLA, you are a part of an active grassroots network effectively promoting landowner interests. LLA lobbies and tracks hundreds of bills each year and works aggressively with agencies to develop consistent, fair and practical regulations. Learn more about our membership benefits below.

Amending the Statutes to provide landowner representation on a number of statewide boards & commissions including:

  • Alligator Advisory Council

  • Coastal Master Plan Framework Development Team

  • Feral Hog Task Force

  • Fur Advisory Council

  • Governor’s Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration & Conservation

  • Livestock Brand Commission

  • Louisiana Prescribed Fire Council

  • Oilfield Site Restoration Commission

  • Oyster Lease Damage Evaluation Board

In recent Legislative sessions, LLA has:

  • Successfully defended private property rights to prohibit public access to surface water for recreational purposes

  • Defeated attempts to allow a lessee to place a lien on the lessor’s property

  • Opposed changes to Act 312 which would have reduced landowner relief from contaminated oilfield sites

  • Defeated attempts to allow local governing authorities the ability to use quick take for expropriation of property

  • Will continue to oppose any proposed expansion of the Louisiana Coastal  Zone Boundary